duminică, 27 februarie 2011

Iubirea Mea

Toata lumea ar trebui sa iubeasca pe cineva,nu conteaza varsta,nici aspectul,tot ce conteaza e sufletul ce-l ai in interior...

Uite, este ea...iubirea mea
Pe ea o iubesc si o doresc
E ca un inger ceresc
Stand pe un norisor
Ier mie de ea mi-e dor
De mor...
Dar gandul ca maine o voi revedea
Reaprinde scanteia din inima mea
Stiu ca niciodata nu va fi a mea
Si-mi vine sa mor din cauza asta
Dar mai am multe de facut in viata asta
Caci ea e scurta.
Ca odinioara ne vom simti
Dar o iluzie va fi
Totul se va prabusi
Peste noi...

False Love

If you say that you love someone with someones elses name in your head then you dont deserve to be loved and to love...

Tell me everything you do
Cuz' I need to know
If this love is real
Tell me everything you feel
Cuz' I love you
Dont't throw it all away
Be mine for a day
Don't throw it all away
stay with me...

Lucruri Simple

Lucrurile Simple sunt cele mai bune...

"Lucruri simple voi pastra
Lucruri simple voi aprecia
Pentru ca inima mea
E ca un fulg in palma ta...
Dar eu ma multumesc cu asta
Stiind ca cerul nu este limita
Ma pot uita in inima ta
Si voi afla...
Ce este dragostea..."


These days i fell kind of sad...don't want to do anything..just to stay and think

So much pain in my soul
Caused by so many reasons
Alone they are weak
But together they are quick
Sliding down trough my soul
Tempting,attracting,embrace my inner
I don't know if I can go on
I must be so strong,but alone...

joi, 24 februarie 2011

Empty Love

I wanna fly trough your eyes
Just like the butterflies
Easily crying on my arms
I'm not worthy being your friend
And you think I can give you everything
But,I dont want you to be sad
Because of me,silly me
So i think I would better go for your safety
All I can say is : "Goodbye"

They call it : "Love"

Let's talk about love,I think it is endless.You can love anybody but you must be honest and really be in  love with that "Special Person". It is like an entity,a ghost that appear and dissapeares, you have it by  your self and then...Puff...it dissapeares leaving you in pain...  Always love and threat her well because  you never know when it might dissapear.
Love,love…love is endless
An emotion so strong!
That it even makes me fly
“I have butterflies in my stomach” you say
Because you feel  something  for  that  special  person
Beautiful  and  unique
You  must  do  anything  to  have  her
She  ignores  you  at  all
“Don`t give up
Keep  trying and  trying
Until you are connected “

Human Mind

Today I have for you a small "thing",call it how you want . I personally think it is a piece of my soul, a small piece,so small,but so powerfull...
The life and the continuous game we are playing
And so we are still praying
To a God that is living
In the Heavens,such a mystical
And magical place
Where everything comes true
Or that is what we are thinking
In our odd desire to endless pleasure
In that empire of His
Inside the clouds,full of angels
And highly guarded by Gabriel and Michael
The bests of all time...

Simple things are the best